September 17, 2024: "Jesus is always looking at us, he is always sensitive to what’s happening in our lives. And his first word is always one of consolation. He comes to wipe away our tears, he comes to help us to see through our pain, so that we can see the Father’s love for us."
July 19, 2024: "Jesus is counting on us to bring people back to the Church! We need to bring people back to Mass! We cannot approach the altar without wanting to bring others with us. And we need to help our neighbors to see that the Love they are looking for is true and real, that he is already here, that he has a name, Jesus Christ!"
June 30, 2024: "All the sickness and disease in the world, the scourge of death — this was not how God intended his creation. Death only entered our world because of human sin. But God made us for life, God made us for love! This is what Jesus is showing us today. By his death on the cross, Jesus destroyed the power of death so we don’t have to be afraid of death."
June 22, 2024: "St. Josemaría was always looking for new opportunities to explain the Gospel, and new ways to bring people to Jesus. In a sense, he was like St. Paul, I was thinking. St. Paul said, 'I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some.'"
June 16, 2024: "The Church started as a tiny seed, a tender shoot — it was just the twelve apostles and Jesus’ mother Mary in the upper room in Jerusalem. And God sent his Holy Spirit upon them and filled them with grace and power and sent them out to the ends of the earth to spread the good news of his love. No one would have ever believed that from this tiny “seed,” the Church would grow and become a great tree of love with branches that extend to every corner of the world."
June 8, 2024: "Brothers, each of you is being called to a life of friendship with the living God. And each of you is being called today to a life of service in persona Christi Servi, “in the person of Christ the Servant.” By your ordination, you are being called to a relationship with Jesus that is rare and beautiful, and only a few are entrusted to share it."
June 2, 2024: "The Eucharist is the great gift that Jesus left for us, on the night before he died. Jesus leaves us the Eucharist as a sign of his love, the sign of his love for each one of us, as the sign of his desire to share his divine life in tender friendship with each one of us."
June 1, 2024: "Jesus calls you his friends today, because he has told you everything that the Father told him. He is entrusting to you, his words of eternal life."
May 27, 2024: "They were not thinking about themselves as they went off to war. They were thinking about their children, about their families. They were thinking about the ideals of this country and their duty as citizens."
May 26, 2024: "In the heart of God, there is what the Catechism calls “an eternal exchange of love”— the Father eternally loving the Son, and the Son eternally loving the Father, and the Holy Spirit uniting them eternally in the bond of love."
May 19, 2024: "When we were baptized, we were filled with the Spirit, just as the apostles were on that first Pentecost. And like those disciples, Jesus is sending us out in the Spirit. He is sending us out into our homes, into the places where we work, into our neighborhoods, everywhere."
May 12, 2024: "It’s a powerful and amazing scene! And in this moment of his earthly life, in the last time in his earthly life — Jesus is still teaching us. By his Ascension, Jesus shows us: that where he has gone, we can go, too."
May 4, 2024: "Throughout salvation history, in so many different times and so many different places, Mary has come to bring us hope and healing, just as she did here at Lourdes. When Mary comes into our lives and into the world, she brings the good news that God is with us until the end of ages, that he will never leave us."
April 21, 2024: "Jesus knows us, better than we could ever know ourselves. He knows our dreams and hopes, he knows our struggles and fears. And he knows, my dear brothers and sisters, how much we love him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd is calling us now to hear his voice, to come and see, and to follow him on the path that will lead us to love and joy and peace."
April 7, 2024: "Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, that means we can be raised from the dead, too! And as he says, we can conquer the world! We can be children of God, as he is the Son of God. Our whole life now can become a beautiful adventure, walking in Jesus’ footsteps, following the risen Lord, living in friendship with him."
March 30, 2024: "Tonight, you stand at the entrance of his empty tomb, with Mary Magdalene and the women from Galilee. You see the angels in dazzling garments. And you hear those astounding words: “He is not here, but he has been raised!” Christ is risen, Jesus is alive!"
March 29, 2024: "Out of love for us, Jesus came down from heaven to share in our humanity, in the reality of our everyday lives. Jesus knows what it’s like to work and to love, to have a family and friends. He knows what it’s like to be hungry and thirsty, to be tired and frustrated. He knows what it’s like to be misunderstood and rejected. And in his humanity, Jesus knows what it feels like to be afraid in the face of suffering and death."
March 25, 2024: "We all participate in the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole church is a priestly people. Through baptism, all the faithful share in the priesthood of Christ. This participation is called “the common priesthood” of the faithful. As the Lord’s “priests,” we share in his mission of sanctifying this world, of making this world God’s kingdom — a world of truth, beauty, and goodness; a world of holiness, justice, and mercy."
March 24, 2024: "Our Gospel today ends with our Lord suffering and dying on the cross, feeling abandoned and alone. Everything appears to be lost. But it’s not! And we know that. The victory is already won. God wins in the end!"
March 17, 2024: "We need to make Jesus the “way” for our life! We need to leave behind our old ways and our old life and follow him, we need to stay close to him, as we all are trying to do. Jesus saw his life, as “seed,” as a “grain of wheat.” And we should think about our own lives that way, too."