January 18, 2025: "Especially in this moment, if we open our hearts and look with Mary’s eyes, we will see people who have no food, no home, no jobs, as a result of the wildfires. We will see people who have no one to love them, no one to heal their wounds."
January 18, 2025: "...the voice of the Lord is still speaking to us from the midst of these fires. He is still promising his love. Our challenge is to listen for his voice."
January 10, 2025: "We must be the ones who bring comfort to our neighbors in this time of disaster. And we must be the ones also who stand by their side and help them to rebuild and go forward with courage and faith and hope in God."
January 9, 2025: "We don’t know why these disasters happen. But we do know that Our Father holds this world, and each of our lives, in his loving hands. And we do know that everything he does, he does out of love for us, and for our salvation."