28 Abril 2021: "Ahora que nuestra sociedad está empezando a salir de esta pandemia, tengo el gusto de anunciarles que este verano iniciaremos un Año Jubilar para conmemorar el 250 aniversario de la Misión San Gabriel Arcángel, la primera iglesia, fundada el 8 de septiembre de 1771, en lo que es ahora la ciudad de Los Ángeles."
April 28, 2021: "Now, as our society is turning the corner on this pandemic, I am excited to announce that this summer we will start a Jubilee Year to mark the 250th anniversary of Mission San Gabriel Arcángel, the first church founded in what is now the metropolis of Los Angeles, on Sept. 8, 1771."
April 18, 2021: "Today we are invited into the upper room with the first apostles and disciples. And as we heard, suddenly the Risen Jesus appears in their midst. So we should ask ourselves today — what would that felt like? To be talking about Jesus and then, suddenly, he is standing right there next to us."
April 15, 2021: "Racism, as we all know, is a grave sin, a spiritual disease and a social injustice. We need to stand together as one Church to eradicate this evil from our own hearts, from the hearts of our neighbors, and from the structures of our society."
April 3, 2021: "This Easter, our Lord is calling us back. He is calling us to remember who we are. He is calling all of us in the Church to live as "Easter people," to return to the simplicity of life that we see in those first disciples."
April 2, 2021: "When everything is stripped away, there is still the cross. There still remains Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead, who gave his life for each one of us."