June 29, 2020: "Entiendo el profundo dolor que manifiestan algunos pueblos nativos de California. Pero también creo que Fray Junípero es un santo para nuestros tiempos, el fundador espiritual de Los Ángeles, un defensor de los derechos humanos y el primer santo hispano de este país. Yo tuve el privilegio de concelebrar con el Papa Francisco en su misa de canonización, en el año 2015. Confío en su intercesión para mi ministerio y su deseo de llevar la tierna misericordia de Dios a cada persona, es una fuente de inspiración para mí."
June 29, 2020: "I understand the deep pain being expressed by some native peoples in California. But I also believe Fray Junípero is a saint for our times, the spiritual founder of Los Angeles, a champion of human rights, and this country’s first Hispanic saint. I was privileged to celebrate his canonization Mass with Pope Francis in 2015. I rely on his intercession in my ministry, and I am inspired by his desire to bring God’s tender mercy to every person."
June 28, 2020: “Discipleship is demanding. Following Jesus takes courage. We need to have the strength to love Jesus above everything — above every relationship in our lives.”
June 21, 2020: “Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Jesús le ha confiado a su Iglesia la gran verdad acerca de Dios y de la humanidad y cada uno de nosotros es responsable de esta verdad. Estamos llamados a ser sus testigos en el mundo, a ser discípulos misioneros.”
June 15, 2020: "I am deeply concerned that the U.S. Supreme Court has effectively redefined the legal meaning of ‘sex’ in our nation’s civil rights law. This is an injustice that will have implications in many areas of life."
June 14, 2020: “Jesus wants to remain with us in the Eucharist, until the end of the world, in his Body and Blood. The same Jesus who became flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary is present to us in the Eucharist. Perfect God and Perfect Man!”
June 9, 2020: “Por eso hoy tenemos que renovar nuestra misión. Necesitamos comprometernos una vez más a hacer de América una nación, una tierra de libertad y oportunidad para cada persona.”
June 7, 2020: “God is love! This is the meaning of the Trinity. And God’s love is personal. The Father creates us, the Son comes to redeem us, and the Spirit is sent to sanctify us.” -Archbishop José H. Gomez
June 2, 2020: "The anger and unrest that has swept Los Angeles and the rest of the country since his death is a sad reminder that racism remains real. Millions of our brothers and sisters still today experience humiliation, indignity, and unequal opportunity only because of their race or the color of their skin."
June 1, 2020: “No matter what happens in our lives, no matter what happens in our society — the cross is the answer. His Sacred Heart is the answer. The Immaculate Heart and Sorrowful Heart of Our Lady is the answer. This is how much God loves us.”