- Jesus told us: "Ask and you will receive." Let us begin this first hour by asking Jesus for the grace to grow closer to him during these 40 hours.
- The Pope wants a Church that adores and worships Jesus Christ — a Church that answers Christ's call to follow him. This hour, let us reflect on what that call demands of us and how we will joyfully follow Christ's call in our own lives.
- Pray for the grace to find Jesus Christ in everyone we met — especially in those who are the hardest to love.
- Lift everything up to Jesus. This hour, pour out your heart to him — tell him your sorrows and successes. Let him carry your burdens and rest in his love.
- This hour, let us pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life! God has a calling for each of our lives, quiet your heart and ask him to speak to you about yours.
- Ask for the courage to love — wherever people are suffering, wherever people are vulnerable and hurting. Ask for the grace to put their needs above your own and serve them like Christ would.
- Just as Padre Serra was a pioneer of human rights in the Americas, let us pray this hour for the grace and strength to build a new society where every human life is loved and protected.
- This hour, let us reflect on Jesus' call to all of us — the call to open our eyes to see everyone as brothers and sisters made in the image of God. Let us pray for the grace to truly open our hearts to everyone we encounter.
- This hour let us look to Jesus' life as a model for our own lives of service. Pray for the courage to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, heal the sick and welcome the stranger.
- Let us pray for our communities – ask God to give us the grace to build strong communities and strong families!
- This hour let us focus on gratitude — we did nothing to earn the love of God. It is freely given and it guides our lives. Thank him for the blessings in your life.
- Pray for the grace and mercy to love and serve life. Every life — especially those lives that need more care, more attention, and especially the lives that can be seen as a burden to others. God loves all and we need to radiate that love into the world.
- Jesus tells us: "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father." This hour, let us pray for our hearts to be filled with forgiveness and love.
- Let us pray for all migrants, refugees, and those who have been displaced — may we show them the love of Christ in our words and actions.
- Pray for the courage and conviction to proclaim the Gospel of life in our society.
- Ask God to open your heart to opportunities of joy and hope — especially when encountering people who are in need of understanding and tenderness.
- This hour let our prayer be: "O Lord, purify our hearts of all selfish interest. Give us the grace to truly give of ourselves to others, just as Jesus did."
- This hour, let us pray for the grace and courage to lead our neighbors to realize the sanctity and dignity of every human life.
- St. Edith Stein used to say: "I derive courage constantly from the tabernacle." This hour, let us pray for courage — courage to live and witness to our faith in all aspects of life.
- This hour, let us deepen our awareness of Jesus' presence, both in the Eucharist and in the world. Let us reflect on ways we can draw our neighbors nearer to a personal encounter with Christ.
- The saints often remind us that sometimes the greatest poverty is hunger for love, the longing to feel wanted. Let us pray for the grace to reflect God's love in the world, especially to those who feel most unloved.
- This hour, let us pray for all those suffering in body, mind, spirit, or soul — those who are sick and those who are disabled; those facing any disease and those facing terminal illnesses. May Christ be with them in their hardships.